What?s up my fellow fitness friends? So glad you can join me for another kickass Monday Motivator and I hope to hear your comments below if you have enjoyed the blog post!
I?ve got to tell you I absolutely love writing these every week. They pump me up and I hope they pump you up as well. What?s crazy to think about sometimes is that I?ve written these consistently week in/week out for over 3 ? years? and I still love it . Ok, time to get pumped up and attack the week. I came across a great quote in a recent fitness industry magazine that quoted the late British minister, Reverend Bernard B. Edmonds. The R
everend said this:
?To dream anything that you want to dream. That?s the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed.
WOW! This quote says it all and this is what it?s all about. You have the power to dream and conceive of the fitness goal, challenge, or physique you want to achieve, the strength to take action and the courage to push yourself to the finish line and ultimate success.
I know, I know?easier said than done right?! One thing you have to come to terms with is that life will always throw things at you to get in your way. We may have nightmares now and then. We may lack willpower from time to time and we may doubt ourselves and our ability to achieve. However, it is ALWAYS your choice as to how you will respond to all of these events.
Will you remember that you have the power to change anything in your life and that you can achieve any health and fitness goal if you put your mind to it? You will always have the choice to eat clean, schedule some type of activity into your day, surround yourself with positive people, pump yourself up with positive affirmations and make shit happen.
1) Create your GO-TO Positive Affirmations when the going gets tough. 3-5 phrases that will pull you out of your funk, help you realize that your positive mindset is your choice and help keep you on track.
2) Choose a REACH goal for yourself and the big reason WHY you want to achieve it.
3) Get to work.
I hope you enjoyed the Monday Motivator and would love to hear your comments below!
Have a terrific start to your week!
Dedicated to your success,
John Heringer
Source: http://www.fastactiontraining.com/beauty-strength-courage/
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